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Wake Up Call Page 7

  My stomach twisted at her words. I let out a high-pitched laugh as I waved my arms at her. “Oh no. No, he’s not my boyfriend.”

  Caleb looked up at me with a look to kill as he groaned. “I’m not very hungry. I’ll just take some scrambled eggs and some milk.” He forcefully pushed his menu across the table with a forced smile. “Thanks.”

  “I will take-“

  “Avery, is that you?” A scratchy voice called from near the kitchen. Winston poked his graying head around the corner and smiled. He looked happy to see me. “Dear, I see that you have met the new waitress.”

  Maple leaned over into the booth and rubbed the top of my head. It was a soft, motherly touch, that made me feel welcome. "You’re such a beautiful young woman." She smiled. "I've heard a lot about you."

  I gave her a small smile and nodded my head. It had to of been from Winston and his big mouth. "I'm guessing from, Winston?" I asked.

  Her face lit up and she nodded her head. "No. From Jace," she replied. She paused for a moment, looking over at Caleb with curious eyes, before quickly turning her gaze back to me. "What would you like to eat, dear? You always eat free here. That’s the boss's orders."

  I shifted in my seat feeling a bit uncomfortable. Jace already provided me with everything that I had and now, free food at the diner. It was unnecessary kindness. I stared down at the table and took a deep breath. "I'll just take the breakfast steak and eggs please."

  "Coming right up, dear." Her white curls bounced as she wiped her hands over the front of her yellow dress and then clapped them. "You heard that, Winston. Get to work." She smiled so big that I thought her face would rip. “It’s so good to finally meet you.”

  “It’s good to meet you too.”

  Caleb and I watched in awkward silence as Maple walked away and disappeared into the kitchen.

  "Great," Caleb mumbled. “Just great.”

  An hour later, we headed back to Jace’s place, Caleb following me inside without a peep. He barely even spoke a word while at the diner and things were starting to get uncomfortable. I just didn’t know what to say to him. I never did. It was probably best if he just left. “Maybe you should-“

  The swinging of the front door rudely cut me off, before I could manage to send Caleb on his way. Jace strolled in with a very bubbly Emma following at his heels. He looked a little irritated.

  Emma puckered her full red lips, while running a hand over her pink shirt that was only a few more breaths away from ripping off. “Hi again," she muttered. Then she tilted her head toward Caleb with a devious smile. “I see that you have company. Nice.” She walked over gently placing her hand in Caleb’s hand. “He’s cute.”

  Caleb backed away from Emma’s unusual greeting, cheeks turning red, as he looked her up and down. “Thanks, I guess.” His eyes quickly shot across the room as Jace pulled his jacket off and hung it on the coat hook. “This must be that guy.” He raked his eyes over Jace disapprovingly while stepping closer to me.

  Jace nodded his head when he acknowledged Caleb being in the room for what seemed to be for the first time. “Yeah, I’m that guy,” he said confidently. “Welcome to our home.”

  Caleb’s eyes wandered over Jace’s body trying to size him up. Caleb knew that he was good looking but clearly, he had nothing on Jace’s bad boy good looks. Caleb had that sweet ‘take me home to mommy’ look.

  We all stood there in awkward silence before Jace turned and headed for the kitchen. “Okay then. Who wants a drink?” The sound of clinking glasses filled the room as we all followed Jace into the kitchen. “Avery, I picked you up some Cherry Mcgillicuddy and Sprite.” He set the bottles in front of me and then pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels, not even bothering to acknowledge anyone else.

  Caleb’s eyes followed Jace’s every move as he leaned against the counter, arms crossed over his chest in anger. “So that is what you drink.” Caleb growled in my direction, clearly jealous that Jace knew something about me that he hadn't.

  Emma rolled her eyes, clearly not looking too thrilled either. She walked over, snaked her arm around Jace’s waist, and reached for his chest. "What about me Jace? Do you have anything for Margaritas?" she questioned, looking me in the eye with a wink. She was trying to get to me, and for unclear reasons, it was working.

  Jace laughed while pushing her hand away from his chest. Then he walked over to the fridge and pulled out some Pepsi. "Nope. You'll just have to drink Jack or what Avery’s drinking. I was really only thinking about the two of us when I went shopping."

  His words somehow caused my heart to speed up. I looked away embarrassed.

  Emma peered over at me and rolled her big eyes. "I don't drink that sissy shit," she whined. "Give me some damn Jack." She moved away from Jace, jumping up on the black granite counter as he poured a few mixed drinks for everyone.

  Caleb watched my reaction and then smoothly walked over and gripped me by the waist. I instinctively shook him off with a grunt. He knew better than to grab me. He gave me a dirty look, shook his head, and turned to face Jace. "I'll take a couple of shots," he said firmly.

  Jace didn't even bother to look over as he grabbed four shot glasses and poured Jack into them. He slid two of the shots across the counter and kept two in front of him. "Enjoy," he said, as they both grabbed their shots and slammed them both back, watching each other with guarded eyes.

  After the second shot, Caleb made a sour face and reached up to wipe his mouth off. "That's some good shit."

  Jace just gave him a hard look and stepped away pressing his back against the counter. He gave me that calm smile that he usually wore and took a long sip of his drink.

  Emma didn't waste any time striding her way over to Jace and planting a kiss on his lips. He stiffened up at first, almost as if to push her away, but didn't.

  A pang of unwanted jealousy surged through me, suddenly forcing me to grab my drink and slam it back. I shakily wiped a hand over my mouth and leaned over, grabbing Caleb by the neck. Surprisingly, I found myself pushing him down into a chair and sitting on his lap.

  I glanced up shortly to see Jace pulling away from Emma. It was too late by then.

  I slammed my lips roughly against Caleb’s knocking his breath out. He didn’t hesitate before running his hands through my hair and trailing them down my body. I stiffened before pushing his hands behind his back. I still couldn’t handle his touch.

  “Don’t stop," Emma whined.

  I glanced up to see Jace looking directly at us with Emma tightly hanging on his neck. A dark look crossed his face as he wiped his mouth off, and clenched his jaw.

  Looking at Jace’s handsome face made me want to go crazy. I couldn’t help myself so I took it out on Caleb. I placed both of my hands on Caleb’s face and pulled him closer, nibbling on his bottom lip. It tasted of Jack Daniels. I never cared for it much but was too involved to care.

  Jace let out a long deep breath and then grabbed Emma up wrapping her long legs around him. He stood motionless, in a daze at first before walking away. I knew where he was going and I hated it for some reason.

  "Ugh!" I grunted. I pushed my way out of Caleb’s lap and grabbed him by the shirt. "I want you right now," I blurted, before I could change my mind. “Come on.”

  Caleb pushed me down the hallway, bouncing off the cream painted walls, before we both fell through my open door. He picked me up with a hunger and threw me on top of my bed, pressing his full lips to mine. "I'm so turned on right now," he moaned. He grabbed for my shirt to take it off but I stopped him. “What?" His eyes jumped around as he stared at me.

  I jumped back when hearing a loud bang come from the room next to us. It sounded as if someone had fallen into the wall or rammed it. The thought of Jace slamming Emma into the wall angered me even more.

  I roughly kissed Caleb while moaning loudly. I just wanted it to look bad. For some reason I wanted Jace to be bothered like I was. I wanted his heart to sink as mine had.

  Suddenly everything went quiet a
nd Jace’s room was silent. I pulled away from Caleb waiting for something more to happen, but nothing.

  Caleb caught me off guard reaching for my pants and slipping them off. I was too busy listening to Jace’s room to care about my pants. "What's wrong," he breathed. "Why are we stopping?"

  I looked at him speechless, before the guilt finally kicked in and I panicked. I pushed my messy hair from out of my face and fought to catch my breath. "I'll be back. I need to use the bathroom," I breathed.

  I pushed myself to my feet and walked down the quiet hall and to the dark bathroom. I didn't even care that I was only in my T-shirt and panties. I just needed an escape.

  I ran inside, closing myself in the safety of the bathroom. I took a long look into the mirror and threw my head back in defeat. I’m acting like an animal.

  I jumped back startled as the bathroom door swung open to Jace standing there in his boxers. A sight I had grown used to.

  He looked me up and down, his body covered in sweat, as he fought to catch his breath. I didn't understand what he was doing.

  It made my heart race. “Jace, what are you doing in here?” I took a step toward the door to escape but he grabbed a hold of my wrist stopping me in my place. My heart sped up and my breathing became heavy. "Jace."

  He looked me dead in the eye and without saying a word; he picked me up and sat me on the edge of the sink. He gripped my face and roughly pressed his lips against mine, causing me to moan. His lips were soft and sweet, just as I had imagined. Although, I wouldn't admit it. Not even to myself.

  The taste was too overwhelming; causing my whole body to shake as he gently ran his fingers through my hair and pressed his body in between my legs. I could feel his hands trembling as he placed them on the inside of my bare thighs while sucking my bottom lip.

  Suddenly, he pulled away and we both sat there panting and fighting for breath. His eyes were unreadable as he looked me in the eye and shook his head. My body leaned forward involuntarily, and it almost felt as if I were falling off the sink. I braced myself, pulling myself upright again.

  "Jace…" I breathed.

  He slowly backed away from me and placed his head in his hands. "Shit! I'm sorry, Avery," he said softly. "I don't know what came over me." He turned around and left me sitting on the sink, half-naked and confused.

  I leaned back against the mirror and fought to catch my breath. I had so many thoughts running through my head, that I felt as if I could faint. He kissed me, and for one quick moment, all of my pain was numbed.

  I placed my hand to my lips, softly tracing them, as I squeezed my eyes shut. “Shit.”

  Chapter 6

  I sat against the sink with my legs shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't seem to breathe, no matter how hard I tried.

  I gripped the sink tighter, if that was even possible and leaned into the mirror. My skin felt as if it was on fire and I still felt dizzy. I needed a few minutes to catch my breath and wrap my head around what had just happened.

  I blew out a deep breath and slowly placed my feet back on the ground being sure not to fall on my face. It took a lot of effort, but I managed to do it. I needed to get rid of Caleb and fast. I needed to be alone, and now.

  I crept down the empty hallway, peeking over at Jace’s closed door, before stepping back into my room. Caleb sat there pant less and looking eager with his back pressed against the wall. He looked nervous as he watched my every move. It made me nervous. “What’s wrong?

  I quickly bent over in a panic reaching for my jeans. “I’m sorry Caleb,” I breathed. “It’s best if you just leave. I’m suddenly not feeling very well."

  I struggled with getting my jeans on, falling over like an idiot in the process. I didn’t care though. Caleb’s eyes were burning into every inch of my body and I couldn’t stand to be so naked around him. I wasn't sure why I hadn't noticed until now.

  Caleb shook his head, slammed his hands down into the bed, and pushed himself to his feet. He silently grabbed for his jeans and let out an exasperated breath. “I really wish that I knew what you wanted.” His eyes followed me as I continued to struggle with my jeans. He looked as if he wanted to help but second-guessed himself, stepping away. “I try and try and nothing is ever good enough for you.”

  I felt horrible for putting him through everything that I had and he was right. He tried so hard and I did nothing in return. I was a horrible person. I couldn’t change how I felt.

  “I’m sorry Caleb. It’s not you," I whispered. I buttoned my jeans and buried my face in my hands full of shame. “I’m sorry.”

  I could tell by the look in Caleb’s eyes that he hated me. I hurt him repeatedly. It was never ending.

  He grabbed for his keys and tilted his head back staring at the ceiling. “Let me guess. It’s you, right?” He strode toward the door with hate and rested his palm against it. “Don’t even answer that.” He paused to swallow. “Have a good life.”

  I stiffly pushed myself to my feet and watched helplessly as he exited the room. He didn’t even bother to look back. “I’m sorry,” I yelled. “You will never understand. I can’t be anything more than this."

  I slammed the door shut behind me falling against the door. Tears threatened to form as I rubbed circles on the side of my head in an attempt to calm myself down and gain control.

  Instantly following Caleb’s exit, I heard footsteps down the hall followed by the vague sounds of Emma and Jace’s conversation. I quietly leaned in closer to get a better sound. As stupid as I felt, I still couldn't help myself.

  “Jace, I’m sorry that you’re sick. Are you sure that I can’t do anything…to make you feel better," Emma asked desperately. “I bet I can make you feel-“

  “I’m sure Emma," Jace cut in. “It’s time for you to leave. You pushed me into bringing you here in the first place.” He sounded almost upset as he spoke. “I told you long ago that I was done with this crap. Now please leave.”

  It was silent for a moment before what I pictured to be the sound of Emma stomping her way out the front door. The door slammed loudly, followed by the faint sound of Jace's fist pounding into a nearby wall. It startled me, causing me to jump away from the door.

  My whole body relaxed at the idea of Emma being gone. I wasn’t exactly sure why but I hated her at the moment. Just the thought of her alone with Jace made my stomach knot up. The feeling both confused me and greatly frustrated me.

  I ran my hands through my hair, lightly tugging it, as I leaned into the door. Stop thinking about Jace. It means nothing.

  The sound of Jace pacing by my door caused me to look up. I stiffened as his footsteps shortly stopped in front of my door but then quickly continued back to his room. Then they paused again before I heard the slight sound of his bedroom door shutting.

  I needed to get out of here and fast.

  My hands shook uncontrollably as I called for a taxi. “1533 Lighthouse Road. Fast, please.” I hung up and grabbed for my purse to wait outside. I needed something familiar. Something that I was used to.

  The taxi arrived shortly after and I jumped in the back without a second thought. It was my escape.

  The driver was a younger man, maybe even still a boy. He glanced back at me with big almond eyes and nodded his head. He looked a little on the rough side but surely nothing to worry about. “Where to?” he questioned.

  “Umm…Taste Of Poison. Step on it," I stammered, as I looked at the boy through the rearview mirror.

  His relaxed face suddenly scrunched up with a look of disgust and disbelief, making me feel uncomfortable. “Look.” He paused. “A place like that is no good for someone like you," he said stiffly. “It’s dangerous.”

  My heart sped up at the memory of Jace saving my life. If it weren’t for him showing up then I could’ve been hurt badly or possibly even killed.

  “Shit!” I blurted. I squeezed the strap of my purse and reached for the handle. “I’ve changed my mind," I whispered embarrassed. I slowly stepped out of the taxi and sof
tly shut the door behind me.

  I watched with my head lowered as the taxi drove away. That should've been my escape. Anywhere more familiar than here would’ve been fine at the moment.

  The thought of Jace seeing me vulnerable, sitting on that bathroom sink, made me want to run away and hide. If he felt the way that my heart was racing against his chest, then he had to of thought something was wrong with me. Even I did.

  When I looked up, Jace stood leaning against the porch with his arms and legs crossed. My stomach dropped. His melancholic smile made my legs tremble. He nodded his head toward the door and then walked inside leaving the door open for me.

  I slapped myself on the forehead and made my way back inside, closing myself in my room. I needed to force myself to sleep. I needed an escape and in any way possible.


  I quickly got ready for work, knowing that Jace liked to arrive early. After what happened last night I didn’t want to make him wait on me.

  I grabbed for my apron and purse before heading back to Jace’s room. I hadn’t heard a peep from him the whole morning and it was unusual. He was always running around early in the morning, making some kind of ruckus.

  I held my fist above his door, hesitating before I lightly knocked.

  When there was no answer, I tried again. “Jace, are you ready to leave for work yet?”

  I waited expectantly for the door to open but it didn’t. I reached out ready to knock again but paused after hearing a noise from inside his room. It was clear that he was awake. Maybe he just didn’t hear me the first time.

  "I'm not going to work," he said loudly. "You can just take my car. The keys are in the kitchen."

  I opened my mouth hesitating whether or not to question him. It wasn't really my place. I quickly decided against it trying to avoid as much conversation as I could with him. After last night, I wasn’t quite sure how to act around him anyhow.

  I took off down the hallway and into the kitchen. His keys were setting down on the counter on full display. I quickly swept them up and made my way outside and to his nice little car.